Source code for brambox.stat._mr_fppi

#   Copyright EAVISE
#   Author: Maarten Vandersteegen
#   Functions for generating Miss rate vs FPPI curve values and calculating log average miss rate
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import interpolate

from ..util import np_col
from . import coordinates
from ._matchboxes import match_det

__all__ = ['mr_fppi', 'lamr']
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mr_fppi(det, anno, threshold=0.5, ignore=None): """Computes MR-FPPI-curve between detection and annotation dataframe. This function will match detections and annotations by computing the IoU. Args: det (pandas.DataFrame): Dataframe with detections anno (pandas.DataFrame): Dataframe with annotations threshold (number): Threshold to count a detection as true positive; Default **0.5** ignore (Boolean, optional): Whether to consider the ignore flag of annotations when matching detections; Default **True** Returns: pandas.Dataframe: DataFrame with 3 columns **('miss_rate', 'false_positives_per_image', 'confidence')** that has the points of the MR-FPPI-curve and matching detection confidence values. Note: If ignore is true, this function will match the detections using :func:`~brambox.stat.coordinates.pdollar` and consider ignored annotations as regions that can be matched to multiple times, otherwise it will use a regular :func:`~brambox.stat.coordinates.iou` and discard the ignored labels. If there are no ignored annotations, this boils down to the same. By default (`ignore == None`), this function will check whether there are ignored annotations and set the ignore value accordingly. Note: If you want more control over the parameters to match detections (eg. Change the criteria to something else than IoU), you can call the :func:`brambox.stat.match_det` function and provide other arguments. |br| This function will first check whether the detection dataframe has tp/fp columns and compute them otherwise. """ if ignore is None: ignore = anno.ignore.any() # Compute TP/FP if not {'tp', 'fp'}.issubset(det.columns): crit = coordinates.pdollar if ignore else coordinates.iou label = len({*det.class_label.unique(), *anno.class_label.unique()}) > 1 det = match_det(det, anno, threshold, criteria=crit, class_label=label, ignore=2 if ignore else 0) elif not det.confidence.is_monotonic_decreasing: det = det.sort_values('confidence', ascending=False) # Compute MR FPPI num_images = len( num_annos = (~anno.ignore).sum() if ignore else len(anno.index) matches = det.loc[( | det.fp), ['tp', 'fp', 'confidence']] if len(matches.index) == 0: if num_annos == 0: log.warning('Cannot compute MRFPPI without detections nor annotations') return pd.DataFrame({'miss_rate': [], 'false_positives_per_image': [], 'confidence': []}) log.warning('Computing MRFPPI statistic without detections. Setting single point (1,0)') return pd.DataFrame({'miss_rate': [1.0], 'false_positives_per_image': [0.0], 'confidence': [0.0]}) summed = matches[['tp', 'fp']].cumsum() mr = 1 - ( / num_annos).fillna(0) fppi = summed.fp / num_images mrfppi = pd.DataFrame({'miss_rate': mr, 'false_positives_per_image': fppi, 'confidence': matches.confidence}) return mrfppi.loc[~mrfppi.confidence.duplicated(keep='last')].reset_index(drop=True) # Only keep last point if detection confidence is the same
[docs]def lamr(mr_fppi, samples=9): """Computes log average miss-rate from a MR-FPPI-curve. The log average miss-rate is defined as the average of a number of evenly spaced log miss-rate samples on the :math:`{log}(FPPI)` axis within the range :math:`[10^{-2}, 10^{0}]` Args: mr_fppi (pandas.DataFrame): Miss-rate and FPPI values samples (int, optional): Number of samples within the given interval; Default **9** Returns: Number: log average miss-rate """ if len(mr_fppi) <= 1: return float('nan') m = np_col(mr_fppi, 'miss_rate') f = np_col(mr_fppi, 'false_positives_per_image') s = np.logspace(-2.0, 0.0, samples) interpolated = interpolate.interp1d(f, m, fill_value=(1.0, 0.0), bounds_error=False)(s) log_interpolated = np.log(interpolated) avg = sum(log_interpolated) / len(log_interpolated) return np.exp(avg)